Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Following Murders in France, Swedish Jews Upgrade Security

Miriam Monsonego ז''ל age 8, one victim of Toulouse murderer 
Tension has spread in Europe following the Toulouse shootings at a Jewish school which left one teacher, his two small boys and the principal's daughter dead. Lena Posner-Koeroesi, the head of  the Official Council of Swedish Jewish Communities, spoke with the Svenska Dagbladet daily regarding security measures now in effect for Jewish institutions in Sweden.

According to Posner-Koeroesi, the community has tightened security at Jewish institutions across Sweden, and especially at schools to protect children learning in Jewish frameworks:

-"Staff and Directors have issued information to parents and answered questions. We're pretty well prepared and have a high awareness of the crisis, so we're pretty well prepared for various scenarios. There are procedures for how to go out and inform if other measures are necessary others."

A throwaway line in the article noted that the Assembly has instituted an action which is supposed to boost security for the Jews in Sweden.

It appears from this report that the Jewish community itself is taking responsibility for the security increase. Certainly neither this report, nor that in the Local offers any comment made by the Swedish government regarding increased security assistance for the Jewish Community.

Readers may recall that monies were allocated from the 2012 national budget to bolster security at Jewish communal facilities. Why is this not mentioned?

By Chanah Shapira

1 comment:

  1. Instead of being "well-prepared" to counter terror, Jews should prepare by packing their bags in preparation for the move to Israel.

    (Not that Israel is well-prepared herself against terror. Look at how many are at the mercy of terrorists, millions having to run to shelters or sewers when the sirens go off - instead of wiping out the Gaza Strip and returning it to the original people who they ruthlessly transplanted after their property was destroyed.)

    But at least the Jewish land will thereby be fortified.
