Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reepalu’s (in)Actions May Affect Municipal Elections

As this blog has frequently mentioned, Malmö’s mayor Ilmar Reepalu (Social Democrat), has during the past weeks continuously understated or ignored the rising number of hate crimes that the Jews in Malmö are facing. He has succeeded in damaging his own reputation, that of the Social Democrats as well as that of the city of Malmö.

A number of Swedish and some international newspapers have followed the many wrong steps and statements made by Reepalu during the last two months. The local reactions have however been surprisingly insignificant, as noted by the leading local daily Sydsvenskan’s political editor in chief Heidi Avellan  The only serious response was when Ewa Bertz (Popular People’s Party) confronted Reepalu in the City Council.

The political editor in chief of this liberal newspaper writes in one of her recent chronicles, that Sydsvenskan supports the Alliance in the upcoming national elections this fall. Avellan argues that the Alliance parties should continue governing as Sweden needs prolonged change from the Social Democrats, who have ruled the country during most of the post-war period, the more so as they have prominent members such as Reepalu.

Avellan states that Sydsvenskan might not support the Alliance on the municipal level. Still, and most probably due to Reepalu’s recent political blunders she can’t help herself but writing: “Change is good… The Social Democrats in Malmö could use a pause for reflection; Reepalu has been a municipal councillor since 1985.”

Reepalu’s misbehavior could not have come at a more important time. It seems that many citizens of Malmö as well as the local press are loosing faith in him and the Social Democrats. Blogger Ilya Meyer has written about the “unholy trinity” of the Social Democrats, The Green Party and the Left. They will if they win the fall elections promote their special manifesto for the Middle East which amongst others promotes the "halt of security cooperation between Israel and Sweden as well as the return of its military attaché in Israel to Sweden.".More about the “unholy trinity” can be found here.

Reepalu has proven that both he and the Social Democrats are not able to lead a just and secure Malmö or Sweden where all citizens have equal rights. This now seems to have been acknowledged by many of Malmö’s citizens, as well as the local press. Hopefully this will also play an important role in the national and municipal elections this year.

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