Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sweden’s Political Parties Urged Measures against Israel—Even Before “Ship To Gaza”

Following the “Ship to Gaza” event many Swedish political parties have publically taken a stance on the Middle Eastern conflict even though Swedish political parties usually don’t get involved in foreign politics before elections. According to a study conducted by two Swedish human right groups it now appears that Swedish  sought to take action against Israel, even before the Ship to Gaza event in which Turkish IHH "peace activists" attacked boarding Israeli soldiers with clubs, knives and bullets. 

In a new study which was presented this Sunday, two Swedish human right groups (with a very questionable agenda) revealed that even before the Ship to Gaza event there was a support amongst a majority of the parties in the Swedish parliament that wanted to take punitive measures against Israel, primarily in the form of trade sanctions. The report was published opinion section of the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet.
The article in Svenska Dagbladet  is written by two of Sweden’s human rights organizations; the “Africa groups” (Afrikagrupperna) and the “Latin American groups” (Latinamerikagrupperna). The two refer to their new study and emphasizes the need for all of Sweden’s political parties to incorporate a stronger stance against Israel. They feel this is necessary to show that Sweden will go from words to deeds on the “occupation of Palestine” (Obviously, Israel cannot occupy a "Palestine" which never existed as a state; the writers also pointedly ignore Israel's total pullout from Gaza nearly five years ago, and Israel's pullbacks and and cooperative policy with the Palestinian Authority. 

According to the two human rights groups, it is important that “Sweden will push in order to put Israel responsible for the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people". Therefore the two groups have conducted this study which was aimed at “asking them how occupation countries such as Israel should be addressed”. This premise of Israeli "atrocities" is based on biased and false assumptions. Time and time again, Israel's exemplary low rate of civilian casualties in combat is discounted, yet obviously manufactured "evidence" of "massacres" is swallowed in its entirety by the left wing, their media bedfellows and other useful idiots. Therefore, it is no surprise that the study showed that many in Parliament want to conduct a policy which puts Israel under serious political and economic pressure. 

The main question I have is why the two human right groups representing Africa and Latin American do not focus on their area of expertise, as it is clear that they do not know the real facts about the conflicts in the Middle East. Why don’t the “Africa groups” demand Swedish actions in Darfur- here there are plenty of human rights abuses that will keep the “Africa groups” busy for years. There are crises in Africa involving the murder, abuse and starvation of millions in Africa, yet they all take a back seat to the deaths of a handful of Islamofascist thugs (and a few of their human shields) who occasionally get hit back. In the meanwhile, Hamas is pursuing with impunity the murder, abuse, and deprivation of rights of its own people while still targeting Israeli civilians with Kassam missiles. The recent deaths of nine martyrdom-seeking, Turkish-paid IHH terrorists, while regrettable, pale in comparison to the vast scale of of ongoing human rights abuses in Africa.

The Latin American group is no better. They are also focusing on becoming a phony heroes in the Middle Eastern conflict, instead of putting their efforts into stopping human rights abuses in Latin America, which they claim is their alleged mission.. In Colombia
to citejust one example, disappearances, extra-judicial executions and torture have reached epidemic proportions. It would be more appropriate if the “Latin American groups” put their effort in to these issues- if they are what they claim to be: a human rights organization focusing on Latin America. Of course, they say nothing of Turkey's occupation of Northern Cyprus, the gencide against the Armenians, and the abuse of Turkey's Kurdish population.

Given theattitude of this article published in Svenska Dagladet one can only hope that the ruling centrist coalition manages to get enough votes in the fall elections to defeat the leftist factions in the Parliament. If they the future looks dark not only for relations with Israel but also for the future of Sweden. A state which ignores real humanitarian crises in totalitarian states and instead prefers kicking Israel, a vibrant democracy, is a state which will, sooner or later, abuse its own citizens...which may be the reason why many Jews have already left Sweden.

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